Water temperature is judged in stages and this is the first part. The rising steam is beautiful to look at as it curls and dances away from the water. But it also tells us the temperature is too hot to start brewing. Usually, the water is then poured into the empty teapot to warm up the clay and then returned to the cooling pitcher. This helps to dissipate some of the water's excess heat. Many people brew sencha at 175-185 degrees Fahrenheit but I feel that cooks the delicate, fresh leaves. Then you end up with broth, not tea. Lower is always better for me and I usually wait til the water temp. is at least 140 -150 degrees (F). A basic rule for green tea is "to brew longer, not hotter". Brewing with lukewarm or room temperature water is a different matter entirely.

While you are serving tea in this manner, the start and stop effect keeps the tea leaves in constant motion. The idea is not to agitate the leaves but to gently swirl them around and keep them suspended in the water. This prevents the smallest particles that get bitter very quickly from settling at the bottom of the pot. Instead, they usually pass through the teapot's strainer into the cup. You can strain out the particles if you wish but we like the depth of flavor and texture they add.
I know it's far easier to show a brewing technique rather than explain the process in words. So I did a quick and terribly executed video of Winnie brewing sencha. The quality's just so-so (used the new IPhone video tool) and the lighting is worse but I figure it saves me some words. Also, I hope this answers some of the other aspects I did not really address. This video is a first for us and a spur of the moment thing. So please don't judge too harshly.
I should mention that Michael was not around when I did this. Otherwise, there would be proper lighting, stable camera work and it would be a million times better. In fact, I know he's going to cringe when he sees this. Fortunately for me, my vacation starts tomorrow and I can deal with it when I get back.
Happy Independence Day.
You gang made my Holiday! Thanks again for those helpful brewing tips, and so glad to see you guys all set up and back : ) Cheers - T
Thanks Toki!
Actually the video was quite helpful in illustrating how your constant movement keeps the Sencha from settling at the bottom. It seems like it steeps for a very short time but is still a dark-enough green color. What I'd like to know is how this method relates to the Japanese tea ceremony. Are there some similarities and differences there? --Jason
Hi Jason,
That's a good question and I wish I knew the answer. I have heard of a separate traditional sencha ceremony but never personally witnessed it.
I'm glad you found the video useful, one friend said it was just grainy enough to spot bigfoot lurking in the background haha...
I tried brewing Sencha with a lower temperature water (140-150) as you suggested. Very nice! The tea has an even more delicate flavor now.
I have tried buying Sencha from many different sources, and I always end up going back to Peets - I wonder if they are getting early-harvest Sencha. It always seems so good.
Thank you for your helpful advice.
I like the Bonsai in the background...I have experimented with temps from cool to boiling and seem to like the 150 degree range and steeped a bit longer to extract the cachtechins(sp)
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