As he bantered and sipped tea, he observed Michael closely and commented on the gracefulness of Michael's movements, "This is something tea masters share regardless of culture." Fluid, unhurried motions that bring a sense of ease and harmony to your guests. Michael decided to perform his ChiuJia GongFu Cha ritual for Mr. Terazono
Much was said on the similarities between the two tea forms represented at this tasting.
After the last sip of Michael's GongFu Cha, YoungJai said, "I believe Terazono Sensei would like to make matcha for everyone... " This was met with a burst of excitement and Michael insisted on giving his seat to Terazono Sensei. As he removed his tea implements out of the bag, he warned, "This is very informal but I can show you the mechanics of making the tea. For the true experience, you must come to one of my classes " We started with KoiCha, the thick grade matcha. Terazono Sensei quickly sifted the KoiCha powder.

A white tea napkin was passed around to wipe the edge of the bowl where each person had sipped.
When the bowl was returned to Terazono Sensei, he said, "Now, maybe Michael should try and make matcha."

It was interesting to see the two masters standing together. One getting a lesson from the other. Michael's unruly hair and his disheveled "James Dean" look was in stark contrast to Terazono Sensei's neat and studious appearance. There was also a difference of culture and generation but none of it mattered while tea was the subject.

Someone finally consulted a timepiece and we were surprised to know that more than 4 hours had passed while we shared tea and knowledge. Time had flown by in the tea oasis we had created and it was coming to an end. We thanked our guests for the company and the lessons. There was no farewell, instead a promise to visit the world of Terazono Sensei very soon.